About Us

About Us

Law, Economics, Business and Innovation Studies (LEBIS) Conference has been organized to create a platform that the scholars present their studies and exchange the ideas in order to develop their research. The conference is organized by London Route Academy in the United Kingdom and the conference will be held in Istanbul as a hybrid conference (both online and in-person). LEBIS Conference invites academics and scholars from all the relevant disciplines to submit their papers and ongoing research results/findings. As a peer-reviewed conference, we aim to bring the world’s leading scholars and opinion leaders to the conference to raise critical issues regarding the fields of law, economics, business and innovation. We create sub-sessions for the related fields. Please, engage freely in discussions, share your ideas and build relationships among the group of leading researchers. The presented papers in the conference will be published in an e-book as an abstract or full paper. The selected papers, after the examination of the Scientific Board, will be published in the conference journals as full papers following on acceptance after the review process in the journals. The theme of the conference is “emerging perspectives in social science”, and the official language of the conference is English.



Frequent Questions

Please click the following titles (such as registration fees) for more information.

The conference will be organized in Istanbul, TURKEY as a hybrid (both online and in-person) conference.

Deadline for Early Registration
17 April 2023
Deadline for Abstract
5 June 2023
Deadline for Registration
5 June 2023
Conference Date
17 – 18 June 2023 
Deadline for Submitting the Full Papers
7 August 2023

Early Registration Fee

(Attend Virtually)

Early Registration Fee

(Attend in-person)

Registration Fee

(Attend Virtually)

Registration Fee

(Attend in-person)

Conference Presenter
125 USD300 USD200 USD450 USD
Co- Author (for Certificate)
100 USD200 USD150 USD250 USD
50 USD150 USD50 USD175 USD
Student Presenter
75 USD250 USD125 USD350 USD
Additional Paper
75 USD75 USD100 USD

100 USD

Cancellation of registration received before 10 December 2022 will be refunded less an administrative fee of 60 USD. After that time no refund of registration fee will be paid.

Registration Fee includes

-Online access to conference proceedings books (with an ISBN number)

-Online access to all conference sessions

-Registration fee payment receipts (invoice)

-An official certificate of participation

-For in-person attendance, the participants will receive a conference bag that includes a notebook, pen and promotional stuff

-Access to research seminars

LBIS Conference (9-10-11 September 2021) London, United Kingdom

Abstract Book

Full Paper Book

    • Advisory Committee

      • Prof. Dr. Zahid Hussain - University of Bradford, United Kingdom
      • Prof. Dr. Sigitas Urbonavicius - Vilnius University, Lithuania
      • Prof. Dr. Sabina Lautensach - University of Northern British Columbia, Canada
      • Prof. Dr. Kara Chan - Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
      • Prof. Dr. Zuhairah Ariff Abd Ghadas - Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Malaysia
      • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Shabir Korotana - Brunel University London, United Kingdom

      Scientific Committee

      • Prof. Dr. David Crowther - De Montfort University, United Kingdom
      • Prof. Dr. Colette Henry - Dundalk Institute of Technology (DkIT), Ireland
      • Prof. Dr. David B. Audretsch - Indiana University, USA & University of Klagenfurt, Austria
      • Prof. Dr. Ubaldo Comite - University Giustino Fortunato, Italy
      • Prof. Dr. Manuel Sousa Pereira - Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo, Portugal
      • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Stelios Andreadakis - Brunel University London, United Kingdom
      • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gerard Conway - Brunel University London, United Kingdom
      • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Erhan Aydin - IPAG Business School, France
      • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Syed Raza Shah Gilani - Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan, Pakistan
      • Assist. Prof. Dr. Sandro Serpa - University of the Azores, Portugal
      • Assist. Prof. Dr. Muhammed Danyal Khan - University College London, United Kingdom
      • Dr. Isaiah Oin - Coventry University, United Kingdom
      • Dr. Rexon Tayong Nting - University of Wales Trinity Saint David, United Kingdom
      • Dr. Mohamed Haffar - University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
      • Dr. Anupam Mazumdar - University of Wales Trinity Saint David, United Kingdom
      • Dr. Villamena Pietro Paolo - Dedagroup Business Solution SRL, Italy
      • Dr. Matteo Cristofaro - University of Rome ‘Tor Vergata’, Italy
      • Dr. Sc. Enkeleda Lulaj - University Haxhi Zeka Peja, State of the Kosovo
      • Dr. Souhaila Al Hesso - Queen Mary University, United Kingdom

      Organizing Committee

      • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Erhan Aydin - IPAG Business School, France
      • Assist. Prof. Dr. Serkan Kaya - Boğaziçi University, Turkey
      • Assist. Prof. Dr. Muhammed Danyal Khan - University College London, United Kingdom
      • Dr. Okeoma John-Paul Okeke - University of Wales Trinity Saint David, United Kingdom